Monday, March 1, 2010

Life's Budget

Birth is our opening balance,
Deat, our closing balance,
Prejudiced views our liabilities,
Creative ideas and good deeds,assets.

Heart is our current asset,
Soul, our fixed asset,
Brain, a fixed deposit,
Thinking, our current account.

Goodwill and achievements are our capital;
Character and morals, our stock in trade,
Friends, our general reserves,
Values and behaviour, our goodwill.

Patience is interest earned,
Love, our dividend,
Children, our bonus issues,
Education, a brand,
Knowledge, our investment.
Profit and Loss is karma earned.

Before final assessment(death),
Balance your sheet!

Source: Speaking tree, authour: Anonymous


Bindus Abid said...

Just visiting, but your article it's OK,,,

Anonymous said...

Very good.I love it