Monday, December 14, 2009

heart of a problem

A year ago, a group of us would visit b schools and engineering colleges and teach students problem definition techniques like 9 windows, ideal final result etc as we believed solutions can be arrived at when a problem is defined accurately.

Now a year has passed and the relevance of defining a problem in-order to arrive at a solution has become quintessential. If 5 Ws and 2 Hs are applied, the why comes before the how. Why am I stuck in a problem needs to be answered with clarity, before how am I going to get out of it.

The core to a problem usually lies in the expectation. We seldom do anything without expectation. Whether it's getting into trouble in school for unfinished assignments or a scenario where we present a counter offer on the first day at work expecting a higher salary or when we hurt a loved one in expecting that they would behave or react differently- the core to all scenarios of probable trouble are expectations which are closely linked to the assumptions one makes about fulfilling the expectations.

In an ideal world, if everything were assumed to be a hand of fate, one accepted life as it came, would it be problem free? probably not, as it's human to expect, get disappointed, compromise, make changes and live with the changes which we justify as solutions.

So the key probably lies in understanding the expectations, studying the variables and the affected outcomes and living with the outcomes.The many justifications one gives to avoid getting int a problem are best left avoided. Claiming that there is no problem when you lose a job or when there is a loss in terms of physical health or.mental well-being is mere avoidance and escapist.

A problem free life can be achieved, but through practice and constant conditioning of accepting outcomes even if they do not meet expectations. Being able to believe in 'everything happens for a reason and for one's own good' requires courage and willingness.

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