Saturday, June 21, 2008

think :)

I read an interesting write up on the topic - Why don't managers think deeply?

Found 102 comments and wondered as to why all of us say certain things but do something else :) Are we meant to be that way or has it gotta do with thinking deeply at all...many experts have posted their comments, however, I wonder at how scary it is to be asking a question such as this???

Does it mean managers are supposed to think deeper than the rest of us or should we assume that thinking has to be measurable and linked to outcomes all the time :) what would happen to an insignificant blog such as this if i wondered if all my posts were deep enough???

Why should we expect people to think in a certain manner if they are playing a certain role professionally?

If all of us are equally endowed with a mind that can think, what does deep thinking mean?

And whom are we measuring today's managers against? Why so much of a focus on a manager's role? Are we trying to overemphasise their importance?

And if its only about managers - all that would differentiate the good from the great would be their decisiveness, their emotional maturity and their communication abilities...if as the article states this is about patterning metaphors, shouldn't this patterning only act as a trigger to decision making and how does it relate to the deepness of one's thought..if today someone has researched and found a finite solution to 70% of behavioral patterns and interpretation of metaphors and is glad with the commonality, what happens to the significant 30% and the differences that aren't considered...Aren't we becoming prescriptive of one's definition of 'Deep thinking' :):)

On a lighter note, sometimes would it be nice if we could use our mind as a clean slate where we delete all thoughts - thoughts powerfully positive and negatively bombastic :) extreme views of mine (they are thoughts of this nutty mind and shall remain only with me..hehehe) coming back to the slate if we had a mind where we could clean all our thoughts out and then reload fresh new thoughts which are customised to come out with creative, over the top ideas, yet packaged to be implementable and practical enough to not be time what a beautiful mind - a mind that thinks "deeply"...

Back to the actual link that made me think of posting this...

1 comment:

Santosh said...

I thought managers are paid not to think :o)