Monday, June 23, 2008

think think :)

Had some more thoughts on 'deep think' :)

I spent Sunday with someone I consider my Guru and mentor and he told me that as people grow w.r.t their roles they want more and more time where they can experience silence..if they could find a few moments of silence each day, it would help them plan things better..I cannot but agree!

Management happens naturally to all of us, we exist because we decide to manage our life's..whatever the circumstance we seem to want to control the flow of our life, every interaction holds a meaning of its own, every gesture, every transaction, every conversation hold a purpose to one's existence itself..

but what is the boundary to existentialism??? or should there exist a boundary? When each of us choose to define our boundaries, would we create a distinct individualism - one which is truly us...

If I were to define what I want from my life - it would be very simple - I want to do everything that I love doing, and want to do everything I do with love :)

My life is managed by me usually by keeping this broad thought in mind :) Each of us will have our own definitions and that contributes to the harmony of existence...

Setting expectations from anyone would only lead to limiting one's freedom of thought and expression..

If Managers need to be innovative and think deeply, why do we have to debate the need for them to think..they will, if they feel the need to or if they are shaken enough that they cant survive their old systems and processes..

many a times change happens as people want to catch up with it :) Lets allow the moments of Silence as individual space and wait for the already intelligent human mind to gear up!

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