Friday, November 20, 2009

Spokeo! Gossip, pictures,wishlist, music- all that you need to know about your friend

Have you spokeod today? Check out

What's special about this website?

Key in a friend/acquaintace/colleague/business partner's email address and you will be able to view their entire online activity on as many as 48 different sites. From photos they upload, to websites they dig and videos they watch to music lists they create to stuff they add on to their wishlist- the list just gets endless.Every digital footprint of yours can be accessed I found out that a friend added a specific casio watch to his wishlist, without him being aware I could give him a surprise gift!

The absolute potential of all the info you get out of this exercise is frightening! Imagine having a personal tabloid on all the gossip you want about your friends, their friends,competitors and just about anyone whose email addresss you know!

The term 'privacy' may just become redundant!

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