Thursday, April 2, 2009

Uppity women of ancient times - by Vicki Leon

Hi All,

If you are wondering if i have stopped blogging:D
No I havent :D I have started writing hubs which is similar to a blog but helps me recieve more traffic and is more user friendly.

This is my latest blog in the hub community. Its a book review:

I have always believed that a good book, a mug of coffee and great music are the 3 ingredients to good living!

Add in a dash of history, laced with humor and its a flavored delight.

There are some books in a library which beckon you to them. This was one such book. The title is a winner! one that infuses a certain curiosity and the book itself was displayed as part of a special section in commemoration of 'Women' s day'

However, the reason I am writing a review about it is because the contents of this book never cease to amuse, entertain, inform and at times infuse a curiosity that makes you want to research further.The presentation is such that there is a certain abruptness to each account which would make you dig for more..

Its about 200 women who made history! approximately between the years 2500 B.C. to 450 A.DFrom pirates, to pyramid builders, to poisoners to priestesses, to princesses -they represent all walks of life. its a chronicle that brings alive the celebrations, the titillations, the pride and fantasies of these women and the glamour,gossip and mystery it added to their personalities.

There is an armchair archaeologist in each one of us. One who dreams of ancient times and life there in. This book is for us. It allows one to visualise the accounts on each woman. One would dream of Semiramis fashioning pants or Ashursharrat having to live with a cross dresser. These are experiences one can not only visualise but sometimes identify with.

Women today are no different from then. Their compassion, kindness, love, sensitivity coupled with pride, honor,intelligence and a hint of uppityness is what makes them who they are - whether yesterday, today or tomorrow. Recommended to all women who call a spade a spade.and like defining their own rules.

You can weave interesting activities around the book too -. A costume party, find a weirder name than that, a factfinder, a treasure hunt on clues from the book etc...

But most importantly enjoy reading this charming and informative book.

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