Sunday, June 1, 2008

Conspiracy of Silence


Silence the word is all powerful,
It's the peace that flows within our soul as we allow Mother Nature to use her magic wand…
It's a bliss that a heightened sense of a meditative spell could take us to
Its that acute state where the formless is felt in the form

However, this very silence can become stifling, become restrictive and regressive
In a vocal context silence is equated to acceptance and voicelessness
A conspiracy of silence pervades as the voice remains stifled, unheard of and mute
Many a thought remains and doesn't transform into the simplicity of words and the silence becomes melancholic

Despair, desolation, helplessness everything connotes to silence
Silence that becomes a collective psyche
A nation's repressed consciousness
A conspiracy

I call this message the conspiracy of silence as I hear whispers, I hear egos, I hear attitudes and behaviours which feel but cant express. Acute transformations all around but no voice to make acuteness collective…

Subtle messages, sometimes through the media, sometimes through the so called intellectuals, collectively cohesively manipulate, end result remains- a nation of multiple dreams but not enough reality…

No voice to express love and passion for a job one enjoys,
No voice to oppose the exercise of mandate when existing candidates equally loot happiness and drive agendas glorifying the self,
No voice to say no to abuses, and reservations and unnecessary shackles of a caste system that grows more and more powerful..

A nation of contrasts,
Part of the exalted development driven BRIC,
At the same time a growing cauldron for the underdeveloped BIMARU,
Increased number of students getting educated abroad,
Lesser numbers willing to use that education to impact and influence life here,
The ones who return are busy mending their own lifestories marred with disillusionment

Women increasingly educated,
Cant say no to a boring proposal from a US returned who cant share her passions n dreams- ends up being a glorified educated, sophisticated housewife,
Men who are qualified and educated,
Come back to pick up a customized wife of the Jaat of their forefathers not willing to hurt their parents- guilt ridden and confused forever

A car worth a lakh rupees heralds a new era of innovation in manufacturing,
Jobs in manufacturing no longer excites the young breed of engineers from premiere institutions,
Every graduate worth his salt in Engineering wants to be part of the growing knowledge industry- preferably the techie league,
Feel left out and dissatisfied as more n more jobs become maintenance related

Catch 22 – here, there and everywhere
The conspiracy is endless J

Message is this writer seems to think that she can make you think and there is where the fine divide remains..she serves her nutty resolve :p…but like the critique on the egghead awards – all writers cannot be intellectuals though they may be intelligent as they play with words and manipulate the emotions of the not so discerning reader ;)

Being intellectual is not abt dabbling in certainties and observations, but deals with abstract concepts and pure reason. Many a times its about viewing the uncertainties with rationality, reasoned speculation, philosophical discussion and the like…primarily as someone once said, an intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself…

Ms Gs been fortunate that the world offers her with multiple experiences and interesting people who nurture and encourage her. Coupled with her trips to beautiful locales lifes one beautiful song J

As she sat watching the deer enjoy their lunch,
She could feel the mischief in the suns eyes as he peeped through the green sky,
She watched the little calf protected by his herd and felt the warmth of the secure blanket of nature,
She giggled at the messages that the birds sent her as they poked fun at the groups of families that came visiting to a world of their own,
She felt the energy and the vitality,
She wondered at her inability to walk away from her reality which in itself was an illusion,
She dived into the sea of forms hoping to gain the perfect pearl of formlessmess

The song remains incomplete…bonjournee!

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